64 results in "All Books"
Thumbnail monday mornings
1 formats starting at $12.99

Will inspire women from all walks of life to live full of faith and tenacity. It will challenge you to stand strong and to be brave like many of the women who we read about in the Bible. Each devotion will inspire you to dig deeper into the Word and to turn to prayer during every season that comes your way.

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1 formats starting at $15.95

Jochebed, the mother of Moses, only had her child for the first four to five years of his life, but what she did with that time is what made the difference. Seeds of Biblical truths were planted into the fertile soil of the young boy’s heart until they grew stronger and greater than the pull and allure of the world. God used a mother to do this! Inside this book is a package of seeds for mothers to teach and plant into their children every morning before going to school. It will plant the foundation of the One, True God, separation from the world, God’s plan of salvation, and the power of the supernatural. It will teach them how to talk to God, how to stand upon God’s Word, and the power of worship as it instill within them the foundation of Whom they belong.

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1 formats starting at $11.99

Sometimes our behavior patterns and thought process stem from issues in our lives such as hurt, anger, bitterness, jealousy, resentment and pride. Many times we are taught to just “pray through” or deal with, and push these symptoms into the corner of our minds while never get to the root of the issues. While we are busy trying to cure or justify symptoms, stone upon stone, the walls of internal bondage are being built…as spiritual strongholds are constructed. Most of the time we do not even recognize what is happening because we are so overly controlled by our emotions. Through the pages of this book, may the Lord Jesus reveal to you the truth and responsibility you need to grasp … and actually receive freedom … God’s way.

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1 formats starting at $14.99

If God has ever given you a promise and you have yet to see it come to pass this book is for you. This book is for the child of God who secretly questions in the midst of their dying circumstance, “Where is Jesus Now?” as Mary and Martha did as they sat in God’s waiting room for three days staring at a dead corpse. It’s a book for those who have loved God through great disappointment and trusted when you could not always understand.

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1 formats starting at $10.00

Journal of a young man faced with a terminal illness.

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1 formats starting at $12.99

Does it look hopeless or impossible? You feel helpless, lost at the end, everything's against you, pressed beyond measure, feeling waves of pressure in your life? Is your faith failing, trust wavering, or you feel God has forgotten you? This book will give Hope and increase Faith to those who are struggling with impossible situations. There’s no doubt you will find Faith rising in your heart and soul as you walk along these written paths traveled by others, whose stories are shared in this LIFE-CHANGING book!

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1 formats starting at $15.99

“If ever there was a woman qualified to write a book on ‘The Virtuous Woman,’ Joy Haney is the writer. To those who know her well and love her, and to those who have only just made her acquaintance, everyone agrees she is on of those women whose value soars beyond that of rubies. The book is divided into three main areas of focus. We are both compelled and challenged to Radiate, to Dedicate, and to Consecrate! After reading this book, you will find yourself seeking ways to Radiant light, love, grace and wisdom, to Dedicate yourself as never before to prayer and the Word and will Consecrate your life to worship and seek to be a great influence in your world.”~Vesta Mangun “Against the backdrop of the current tsunami of moral and cultural confusion, this just might be her best book. This is a revelatory message for these times. It is a must read!” ~Rev. Chester and Marion Mitchell

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1 formats starting at $9.95

Inspirational Quotes & Meaningful Prayers

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1 formats starting at $12.00

Employed for Life takes you on a journey of discovery that—once you realize Who your true employer is—will allow you to identify and thrive in the workplace. Whether you are currently unemployed, under-employed, unhappily employed, or simply looking for growth and success in your work-life, the spiritual principles and extremely practical how-to tips in this book are guaranteed to get you unstuck and on the road to true fulfillment in your work. The best news is that your Boss (and Heavenly Father) has already gone before you to prepare your place in His organization and He is eager to get you started!

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1 formats starting at $11.99

A marriage of finances, faith and facts exposing the schemes of forces that are putting many in bondage today. It’s time for individuals and communities to be enlightened and freed from the bondage of debt and destructive thinking.

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1 formats starting at $8.99

A story of adoption.

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1 formats starting at $14.99

Our prayer life is the cornerstone of making the kingdoms of this world the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ (Revelation 11:15). As a pastor, mentor and ministry trainer, I’ve found that believers have difficulty with the techniques of prayer. Believers solicit prayer assistance, they even say they will pray as situations arise, but when it comes time to deliver voice to their prayers, they downshift to the mental model of only thinking about praying, as an act of safety and confidence. Streaming Prayers: Dialogues with God is part devotional, part instructional and part prophetic companion in the life of intercessory prayer. It is a step in the direction of providing a model of focused prayer and the framework for prophetic follow-up.

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1 formats starting at $16.95

God’s Vision of What’s “Normal” for Me” is a book that shows us how to live in a very busy and visual world that is constantly demanding your attention, demanding your confidence, challenging your God given faith, to determine what is acceptable as “normal” for you. In thoughtful and insightful language with clear and plain examples and illustrations, the author Edward Pitts reveals the antidote for establishing God’s normalcy for us is assembling ourselves together. Or another way of saying this is to “building and maintaining Godly connections with other believers” pertaining to the kingdom of God. This conscience and concerted effort of assembling ourselves creates oneness and activates the power of Unity that results in what the bible indicates “One can chase a thousand and two can put ten thousand to flight”.

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1 formats starting at $8.99

Have you ever looked forward to something, and it didn't turn out the way you thought or planned? As a result, you made permanent decisions based on temporary situations and circumstances. The pain, misery and disappointment of the past began to shape and define who you are. This is precisely my story.

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1 formats starting at $23.95

The record of the Eighteenth Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment can withstand a critical comparison with any regiment in the American Civil War, North or South. As warriors, the men of the Eighteenth Georgia could stand shoulder to shoulder with soldiers of any storied unit in US military history. In the three years, eleven months, and twenty days of the regiment's existence, the stubborn men in the ranks trained, marched, and fought from Camp McDonald (outside Atlanta) to Appomattox, burying their dead on battlefields in Virginia, Tennessee, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. The regiment's casualty rate was astounding, even by Civil War standards. By war's end, the butcher's bill tallied 162 men killed or mortally wounded in combat, 221 killed in accidents or lost to diseases, 340 wounded, 305 captured (most of whom were sent to Northern prisoner-of-war camps), and four missing and presumed dead. Only 55 men were left to stack arms when the Army of Northern Virginia was formally surrendered on April 12, 1865. The regiment's journey from Camp McDonald to Appomattox was paved with stunning victories, stinging defeats, and unfathomable hardships. Vermin, poor (or no) food, inadequate clothing and equipment, and lack of sleep sapped the men's strength and destroyed their health-but not their discipline, morale, or aggressiveness. Most times cheerfully but sometimes stoically, the Georgians endured the physical and mental pains of destitution, disease, and death as they followed the regimental battle flag from Georgia to Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and West Virginia. They logged more than five thousand miles, zigzagging across mountains, hills, streams, rivers, swamps, farmlands, and woodlands. This marching and countermarching always portended more fighting and dying. The regiment participated or came under fire in forty skirmishes, engagements, battles, and other operations, suffering casualties in twenty-one of them. The Eighteenth Georgia was prominent in eight of twelve battles where Union forces suffered the most casualties during the war: Gettysburg, Spotsylvania, the Wilderness, Chancellorsville, Second Manassas, Cold Harbor, Fredericksburg, and Sharpsburg. The Georgians were on the field for two of the other major battles-Chickamauga and Petersburg-but were not engaged. The only two major battles they missed were Murfreesboro and Shiloh. Yet miles covered, battles fought, and blood shed are not the sole, or even the most decisive, factors that constitute greatness in a military unit. Some units may fight in obscurity, while others appear at a decisive time and place on the battlefield. Most regiments in Lee's army distinguished themselves on one battlefield or another. Some were prominent on multiple battlefields, thus earning the undying admiration and respect of Southern people. But when it came to helping "Bobby" Lee win a decisive victory or stave off a disastrous defeat, no regiment was more conspicuous than the Eighteenth Georgia. Its name is forever inscribed on the scroll of Confederate regiments that were in the right place, at the right time, and in the right formation to make a significant difference during the battles of Gaines's Mill, Second Manassas, South Mountain, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Salem Church, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, and Petersburg. Through recollections of his own great-grandfather and from other firsthand accounts, Brigadier General Jerry C. McAbee, USMC (ret.), takes us on the journey of the Civil War soldier. We follow the decision making and strategy that led to the end of the war. We understand the mentality of battle-weary men following the directions of a desperate leadership. And we see the side of the Civil War often overlooked by history. This is the true story of a regiment of stubborn men from Georgia.

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1 formats starting at $8.50

The true story of one man’s Paranormal and Supernatural experiences.

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1 formats starting at $14.99

Book Title : Commission to Pray for a Nation

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1 formats starting at $24.99

Gents with No Cents explores a rarely examined side of Wall Street: Its childish antics. From accountants that can't count to financial regulators that don't regulate, this book will make you howl with laughter at their incompetence.

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1 formats starting at $7.99

“Wall Street is a place with a river at one end and a graveyard at the other,” so goes the saying. Stark cold as that may sound, it misses the nursey school in between and that’s what the Wall Street Coloring Book is all about.

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1 formats starting at $24.99

Begin the transformation of the Internal Audit function by applying Total Quality Management (TQM) concepts. The book, Total Quality Auditing, How a Total Quality Mindset Can Help Internal Audit Add Real Value, presents how to put TQM concepts to work in the world of Internal Auditing. The Total Quality Auditing (TQA) Six Points of Focus including Ethics and Culture, Standards of Conduct, Customer Feedback, Lean Auditing, Balance of Audit and Consulting and Internal Audit Leadership provide a framework that can be immediately applied to increase the value of Internal Audit through proactive steps to reduced risks and improved organization effectiveness.

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1 formats starting at $24.99

Investing is an exercise based upon constant failure and disappointment, drenched with mental distractions, obsessions, worries, manias, and even superstitions. It’s an exercise that should have positive results, but far too often doesn’t.

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1 formats starting at $44.99

TQA Workbook Description: Begin the transformation of the Internal Audit function by applying Total Quality Management (TQM) concepts. The book, Total Quality Auditing, How a Total Quality Mindset Can Help Internal Audit Add Real Value, presents how to put TQM concepts to work in the world of Internal Auditing.

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1 formats starting at $15.95

Closely Re-examine World History Events to Understand Their Significance to Our Future,

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1 formats starting at $17.95

Teacher strikes are a weekly occurrence. Teachers are demanding improved worksite conditions, more supplies, more money and more support from the administration. Some veteran teachers have thrown up their hands in bitter defeat and retired early or quit. New teachers are questioning why they got into the business of education. Each day brings new challenges to the classroom. Teacher morale has fallen and the culture in schools has become toxic. How did we get here and what can be done to change the nature of today’s classrooms?

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1 formats starting at $13.00

I was physically abused at home. I was picked on and beaten up at school. I tried to kill myself every year of high school. I ran away as a teenager. I was homeless for two years. Somewhere in the middle of all this, I found a dream worth chasing. This is the story of my life in my own words.

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1 formats starting at $10.00

"Karlie loves her Nana and her crayons. There is nothing better than getting her hair brushed by Nana. What happened when Karlie realizes that Nana's skin color makes her look different from everyone else? Will Karlie let it ruin her big performance? Or will love win out in the end?"

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1 formats starting at $12.99

Healing for Those Who Have: If you have had an abortion and are struggling, please know that there is deliverance. God created us to live victoriously; not hang our heads in shame. He knows that we are going to make bad decisions; some that are quite horrific. Don't be afraid of Jesus or feel you are too bad or too dirty for Him to love you. Jesus would have forgiven Judas if he'd asked, but Judas didn't ask. Accept Jesus' forgiveness and He will show you how to forgive yourself.

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1 formats starting at $11.00

Stacie LeBlanc is the co-founder of The Up Institute and serves as the Vice President of APSAC. She is a passionate advocate for children and an attorney with a Masters in Early Childhood Education. After 29 year of responding to child abuse as a supervising prosecutor with a 94% conviction rate and as an executive director of two child abuse non-profits, the New Orleans Children’s Advocacy Center and the Audrey Hepburn CARE Center, Stacie moved upstream to solve child abuse providing consultation and training. She has created sought after programs including Beyond Mandatory Reporting; Dear Parents; Teens, Sex, and the Law; and Painless Parenting. Stacie has provided over 750 interactive training for more than 53,500 individuals focused on translating research into successful practice. Stacie has published books for families and articles on the benefits, evaluation, and implementation of No Hit Zones. Stacie chairs the National No Hit Zone Committee for the National Initiative to End Corporal Punishment and serves on the National Review Board for the US Catholic Bishops. She has received numerous honors including Outstanding Prosecutor Award, FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award and Champion for Children for successfully passing 11 legislative bills. Beyond family and pets, Stacie’s greatest joy is inspiring undergraduates with a highly-rated ACEs CAST course at Tulane University.

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1 formats starting at $11.00

Stacie LeBlanc is the co-founder of The Up Institute and serves as the Vice President of APSAC. She is a passionate advocate for children and an attorney with a Masters in Early Childhood Education. After 29 year of responding to child abuse as a supervising prosecutor with a 94% conviction rate and as an executive director of two child abuse non-profits, the New Orleans Children’s Advocacy Center and the Audrey Hepburn CARE Center, Stacie moved upstream to solve child abuse providing consultation and training. She has created sought after programs including Beyond Mandatory Reporting; Dear Parents; Teens, Sex, and the Law; and Painless Parenting. Stacie has provided over 750 interactive training for more than 53,500 individuals focused on translating research into successful practice. Stacie has published books for families and articles on the benefits, evaluation, and implementation of No Hit Zones. Stacie chairs the National No Hit Zone Committee for the National Initiative to End Corporal Punishment and serves on the National Review Board for the US Catholic Bishops. She has received numerous honors including Outstanding Prosecutor Award, FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award and Champion for Children for successfully passing 11 legislative bills. Beyond family and pets, Stacie’s greatest joy is inspiring undergraduates with a highly-rated ACEs CAST course at Tulane University. Dr. Stacey Patton is an award-winning journalist, author, and child advocate. Her writing on issues surrounding education, race, and child welfare has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Al Jazeera, BBC News and other outlets. She has appeared on MSNBC, ABC News, Democracy Now, Al Jazeera, and Fox News. Dr. Patton is the author of That Mean Old Yesterday – A Memoir, Spare the Kids: Why Whupping Children Won’t Save Black America, and the forthcoming Strung Up: The Lynching of Black Children and Teenagers in Jim Crow America. She is also the creator of the web portal www.sparethekids.com, which is designed to educate parents and caretakers about the harms of hitting children. Dr. Ellie Wetsman is a pediatric medical doctor who is board certified in both General Pediatrics and Child Abuse Pediatrics. Dr. Wetsman has been a child abuse pediatrician at the Audrey Hepburn CARE Center since 2002.

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1 formats starting at $24.99

We all make choices on this road called “life.” We make choices in our personal lives. We make choices in our professional lives. We make choices when encountering adversity. We make choices that reflect our character. We make choices that echo our feelings, attitude, motivation, and perspective. We make choices that form habits, good and bad. We make choices that shape our careers. We make choices about how to lead. We make choices that turn out to be mistakes. We make choices that turn out to be perfect, life-altering decisions. We are the sum of our choices. The choices you make will determine your future. Six chapters… six topics… six CHOICES: Choose to embrace and manage adversity in a way that helps you surpass (not just meet) your life goals. Choose to make self-development a priority and, in turn, change the trajectory of your life. Choose to uphold impeccable character. Choose to have an ownership mindset and an entrepreneurial spirit; you don’t have to be an entrepreneur to think and act like one. Choose to lead others in a way that will change their life, and yours. Choose to build your life’s identity on good, productive habits and ditch the ones getting in your way.

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1 formats starting at $24.99

This is a workbook for making good choices… We are the sum of our choices. The choices you make will determine your future. Six workbook topics… six CHOICES: Choose to embrace and manage adversity in a way that helps you surpass (not just meet) your life goals. Choose to make self-development a priority and, in turn, change the trajectory of your life. Choose to uphold impeccable character. Choose to have an ownership mindset and an entrepreneurial spirit; you don’t have to be an entrepreneur to think and act like one. Choose to lead others in a way that will change their life, and yours. Choose to build your life’s identity on good, productive habits and ditch the ones getting in your way.

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1 formats starting at $19.99

The stars are within mankind's reach...but what awaits in the void may end humanity. Mars and the Moon have been colonized, piracy runs rampant in the asteroid belts, and a thriving society grows in the depths of space. Humanity prepares to embark upon its greatest journey - the colonization of Alpha Centauri. Then everything changes… A deep space reconnaissance probe discovers a new Earth-like planet twelve light-years from Earth's sun. The probe also finds something unusual, something ...unnerving. A new mission is created, a space fleet is formed, and humanity embarks on unraveling the greatest mystery of the origins of life itself. Can the factions of Earth remain united, or will old rivalries and animosities destroy the fragile peace in the face of this terrifying existential threat? Will exploration prove to be a fatal mistake? If you love new technologies, fast-paced action and gut-wrenching turns of fate, you'll love this first book in James Rosone's military sci-fi series, The Rise of the Republic. Grab your copy of this page-turner today.

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1 formats starting at $16.95

To get to the purpose God has for your life there is a process to obtain it! For some it’s cut and dried how you seek it and walk in it. But for others their process contains hills and valleys with plenty of bumps in the road! One Sunday At The Altar is a book about transformation and the grace of God. It shows a lifetime of choices, compromise, and challenges that shape a sinful man into a minister of the gospel! This is the true story of one man’s journey through the process it takes to walk in the purpose of God. You will laugh and you will cry. Hopefully it will convince you that God can change anybody and a yielded soul will always do the will of God.

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1 formats starting at $24.99

Becoming the Everyday Ethicist provides the keys to living an ethical life, shows leaders how to display integrity and earn trust, and demonstrates the importance of ethics in all organizations. A must read for all those interested in making the world a more ethical place. Becoming The Everyday Ethicist includes over 300 pages of thought based on Amanda “Jo” Erven’s continuing professional education trainings, her accounting and internal audit leadership experiences, and her past and current ethics research and studies. Jo is passionate about ethics in our everyday personal and professional lives. The energy in her writing (and speaking about ethics) is infectious and has been described as “essential knowledge, wisdom, and a perspective of value to all.”

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1 formats starting at $35.00

In Volume Two, you will read about how Mark found MMS in detail and what it did for himself, his family and how the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing was established in 2010. You will follow this wonderful story and read testimonies and many amazing things that Mark, his sons and those that were trained in the G2Church Sacraments were able to do around the world with this miracle from God! The book starts with the year 2006 when and how Mark found this miracle mineral and continues until 2014. So much has happened during these years that it had to be put in book form and not all is in the book but the highlights are covered. In Volume Three, Mark takes us from 2015 to 2020, the year HEAVY persecution came against the Genesis II Church to silence them as frauds! The first documentary Mark did wasn’t completed until 2016 but it is included here in the description to get everyone “caught up”to what was happening in the world health-wise then. Included here is also a new documentary that came out in February 2021 which is important for all to have and share!

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1 formats starting at $35.00

Book Title: Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE - Is It Possible? Author Name: Mark S. Grenon Description of the book: This book covers the following topics and much more! • What is the “dis-ease” of the body? • Why is the body dis-eased? • How to stop the body from being dis-eased? • The history of “western medicine that will open your eyes and hopefully motivate MANY to start to do something about it! • Who were the keys players in developing vaccines and pharmaceuticals? • Real written and video testimonies of REAL people with restored health from illnesses! • How to “restore health” by practicing self-care - NOT healthcare. • What toxins are doing to the body’s systems. • How the body was designed to work from “the pie hole to the butt hole”. • Why NOT to trust most doctors. • Should we be afraid of cancer? • How important is a clean liver? • G2Voice broadcasts covering 40+ common illnesses and the protocols to use to treat them. • Genesis II Church’s 10 Sacramental commandments for “restoring health”. • How to join us in our world ministry to create “A World Without DIS-EASE”.

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1 formats starting at $35.00

Volume Three picks up where Volume Two stopped in the year 2015 to 2020.

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1 formats starting at $16.99

New Book Shows Readers How to Battle Cancer and Win

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1 formats starting at $35.00

¡Este libro cubre los siguientes temas y mucho más! • ¿Qué es el “mal-estar” del cuerpo? • ¿Por qué el cuerpo está en mal-estar? • ¿Cómo evitar que el cuerpo entre en mal-estar? • La historia de la “medicina occidental que le abrirá los ojos y, con suerte, motivará a MUCHOS a comenzar a hacer algo al respecto. • ¿Quiénes fueron los actores clave en el desarrollo de vacunas y productos farmacéuticos? • Testimonios reales escritos y en video de personas REALES con salud restaurada por enfermedades. • Cómo “restaurar la salud” practicando el autocuidado, NO la atención médica. • Qué le hacen las toxinas a los sistemas del cuerpo. • Cómo se diseñó el cuerpo para trabajar desde “el agujero de la tarta hasta el agujero trasero”. • Por qué NO confiar en la mayoría de los médicos. • ¿Debemos tener miedo al cáncer? • ¿Qué importancia tiene un hígado limpio? • Transmisiones de G2Voice que cubren más de 40 enfermedades comunes y los protocolos que se deben utilizar para tratarlas. • Los 10 mandamientos sacramentales de la Iglesia Génesis II para "restaurar la salud". • Cómo unirse a nosotros en nuestro ministerio mundial para crear "Un mundo sin MAL-ESTAR". Imagen de portada: debe ser un j.peg para su ubicación en el sitio web

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1 formats starting at $24.99
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1 formats starting at $11.00

You and your child have been asked to come to Children’s Advocacy Center – Hope House because child abuse has been suspected and reported, and is now being investigated. The CAC houses the professionals who will help you and your child with the investigation, advocacy, and the healing process. This book was written to help kids and their families better understand what is going to happen here. It can feel scary for kids and their families going to unfamiliar places to talk about upsetting things. But research shows that knowing what to expect helps both kids and their trusted adults feel more comfortable. “Books are sold at the cost of printing to help child victims and their families-no royalties”

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1 formats starting at $11.00

As a child and family therapist providing mental health services to trauma victims and their families for more than 30 years, Check Out Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a wonderful resource. Children and families often feel overwhelmed by traumatic experiences. This book offers a creative child friendly explanation to TF-CBT. It not only teaches how to manage difficult emotions but also helps develop effective coping and interpersonal skills.

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1 formats starting at $18.05

Life Giving Conversations happen as families rest. Relax.. lay on the couch sharing their hearts! Building emotional trust and connection, the simple exercises in these books will get your hearts “sparking” together. The Majesty of Jesus is revealed in His patterns of 7’s throughout the scriptures. They give us an understanding of Who we are in Jesus.. our Destiny and purpose. Families can see each other - Made in the Image of God! They can learn to listen/ and speak with Wisdom; blessing the spirits in each family member. Everyone built up in the Truth - “ I AM WHO YOU SAY I AM LORD JESUS!”

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1 formats starting at $18.05

Life Giving Conversations happen as families rest. Relax.. lay on the couch sharing their hearts! Building emotional trust and connection, the simple exercises in these books will get your hearts “sparking” together. The Majesty of Jesus is revealed in His patterns of 7’s throughout the scriptures. They give us an understanding of Who we are in Jesus.. our Destiny and purpose. Families can see each other - Made in the Image of God! They can learn to listen/ and speak with Wisdom; blessing the spirits in each family member. Everyone built up in the Truth - “ I AM WHO YOU SAY I AM LORD JESUS!”

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1 formats starting at $18.05

Life Giving Conversations happen as families rest. Relax.. lay on the couch sharing their hearts! Building emotional trust and connection, the simple exercises in these books will get your hearts “sparking” together. The Majesty of Jesus is revealed in His patterns of 7’s throughout the scriptures. They give us an understanding of Who we are in Jesus.. our Destiny and purpose. Families can see each other - Made in the Image of God! They can learn to listen/ and speak with Wisdom; blessing the spirits in each family member. Everyone built up in the Truth - “ I AM WHO YOU SAY I AM LORD JESUS!”

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1 formats starting at $18.05

These Children’s stories are A picture of Tenderness and Truth on display- healing The Image of God for all who see and read these stories. Every Mother needs encouragement about how to bless the spirit of a child. Every child needs to know what a Holy Spirit filled Mother looks like. Is she comforting? TeAching? Exhorting/ Disciplining with Kindness and Grace? Mothers introduce their children to the Gentle Grace of Holy Spirit. They Build bridges of Trust helping their kids connect with God’s Love and His good plans. These Bible stories shared between mother/ daughter/ grandmother ( Nana) will open up discussions about The Kingdom of God; what it means to be made in God’s Image and how to Love our God Design.

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1 formats starting at $18.05

These Children’s stories are A picture of Tenderness and Truth on display- healing The Image of God for all who see and read these stories. Every Mother needs encouragement about how to bless the spirit of a child. Every child needs to know what a Holy Spirit filled Mother looks like. Is she comforting? TeAching? Exhorting/ Disciplining with Kindness and Grace? Mothers introduce their children to the Gentle Grace of Holy Spirit. They Build bridges of Trust helping their kids connect with God’s Love and His good plans. These Bible stories shared between mother/ daughter/ grandmother ( Nana) will open up discussions about The Kingdom of God; what it means to be made in God’s Image and how to Love our God Design.

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1 formats starting at $18.05

These Children’s stories are A picture of Tenderness and Truth on display- healing The Image of God for all who see and read these stories. Every Mother needs encouragement about how to bless the spirit of a child. Every child needs to know what a Holy Spirit filled Mother looks like. Is she comforting? TeAching? Exhorting/ Disciplining with Kindness and Grace? Mothers introduce their children to the Gentle Grace of Holy Spirit. They Build bridges of Trust helping their kids connect with God’s Love and His good plans. These Bible stories shared between mother/ daughter/ grandmother ( Nana) will open up discussions about The Kingdom of God; what it means to be made in God’s Image and how to Love our God Design.

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1 formats starting at $18.05

These Children’s stories are A picture of Tenderness and Truth on display- healing The Image of God for all who see and read these stories. Every Mother needs encouragement about how to bless the spirit of a child. Every child needs to know what a Holy Spirit filled Mother looks like. Is she comforting? TeAching? Exhorting/ Disciplining with Kindness and Grace? Mothers introduce their children to the Gentle Grace of Holy Spirit. They Build bridges of Trust helping their kids connect with God’s Love and His good plans. These Bible stories shared between mother/ daughter/ grandmother ( Nana) will open up discussions about The Kingdom of God; what it means to be made in God’s Image and how to Love our God Design.

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1 formats starting at $17.95

In the bustling environment of the digital world there has been a disintegration of the values and principles that created our great society. Our children need guidance and support as they become valued citizens, and yet we have caved to the media, the cell phone, and social media to mentor our children on what is right, or what is wrong. Thus, our children in many ways are being misled. We need to get back to the positive parental modeling of values and principles that create a nurturing culture as we interact with each other.This book, on a limited basis, defines some historically valued principles of life, and allows the reader to reflect on values that might enhance their life, the career and their interaction with those around them. This book challenges the reader to examine what values they hold dear, and what other values they may have mistakenly shed with the growth of the digital world.Are you a valued person in the community based upon your demonstration of numerous positive values and principles? Or are you just existing, and “holding a place” amongst the masses, hoping to slide by with a bland existence in an ever-changing world. Grab hold of the life you have been given. Invest in those principles that will lend to a positive lifestyle, and share them with those around you. You will be more blessed than you ever realized. Only then will you recognize the Value of Being. In his writings, Dr. David Pizarro brings 42 years of professional educational experience to the forefront as he focuses on thought provoking reflection on the current values and principles in our society. After obtaining his educational doctorate, with a minor in psychology, he served at a variety of educational institutions as a teacher, consultant and mentor. During his career he was recognized for his special ability to connect with his colleagues, as well as students of all ages. Dr. Pizarro thanks his parents for being strong models of positive values and principles, many of which he has chosen to share with the reader at this time.

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1 formats starting at $15.25

Poetry Collection / Inspirations

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1 formats starting at $70.00

$70 Tails of the Secret Peacock: Book 1, Book 2, Reflection Guide Set Get the complete Tails of the Secret Peacock experience in one set! Special price includes the first two books in the series and the reflection guide.

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1 formats starting at $20.00

An allegory in the spirit of C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, Tails of the Secret Peacock takes readers on adventures through time and space with the seen gifts of the Holy Spirit come to life. Wisdom, Knowledge, Strength and the rest are embodied by seven unique women from all over the world. Imbued with the power of the Holy Spirit, they must work together to aid families stripped of their inheritances by a bloody war.

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1 formats starting at $40.00

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are complete in this novel with the addition of Understanding, Knowledge, and Good Counsel. As they begin their mission of restoring the fortunes of families devastated by the French Revolution, along the way they learn self-defense with cloistered nuns, attend a lush masquerade, and encounter their first enemy: a sinister thief who will do anything to acquire the hidden war chest of Napoleon himself.

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1 formats starting at $15.00

Delve deeper into the hidden symbols and themes of the first two novels in the Tails of the Secret Peacock series. Suitable for individual or group study, this reflection guide helps you apply the truths found in the book to your own life. Also includes coloring pages for creative meditation.

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1 formats starting at $12.95

The journey of life is filled with many ups and down, as well as a myriad of surprises. As individuals, we move thru an everchanging world where we acquire skills and knowledge that is pertinent to our goals and needs. The life experience of each person is totally unique to them. No two individuals experience the same life activities as they struggle to push forward personally and professionally. As individuals we acquire knowledge thru all these experiences, and in the context of multiple settings, we apply what we learn from these settings to be successful in the future. With time that information is often referred to as wisdom.

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1 formats starting at $25.00

An unforgettable memoir about a woman’s struggle to save her marriage of 28 years. She struggled with being a submissive wife at all costs, while honoring her vows. The more she fought to honor her vows, the tighter the noose. She was submissive in every way until she realized her submissiveness was silently killer her children, family and herself. She fought through marriage and ultimately through divorce. She had normalized behavior that she thought was normal behavior. Imagin intentionally planning to undermine your husband, father of your children, the love of your life to save and protect your children. It was the most difficult decision she ever could make. She lost who she was in the process. She couldn’t think about herself, her needs or wants – that became too painful to face. The only thing she could think of was her children’s mental and emotional state of mind. Through prayer and counseling, God revealed to her the perfect plan to pull her through. It had to be meticulous because he would fight her, and she knew this. The demise of the marriage and her way out had to be by his doing for her to be totally free.

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1 formats starting at $21.95

Fasting is healing to the body and prayer is therapeutic to the soul. The discovery of invaluable treasures and new levels of freedom are only two of the numerous and powerful benefits of fasting and prayer. Delve into this informative guidebook and experience firsthand the ancient and time-tested secret of renewal and regeneration of the body, spirit, and soul. When you fast, be cautious. Use wisdom in your fast selection. Listed in this guidebook are several options, and many do’s and don’ts of fasting.

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1 formats starting at $15.00

The biography of longtime musician Tony Belskis of Lakeland, FL, originally from Rumford, ME and the journey through his life and music. Vande Sompel shares the many stories that Tony has accumulated over the years and writes: “Tony Belskis discovered the secret of life early on in his life that began in small town Rumford, Maine. For 6 decades this relatively unknown musician earned himself a P.H.D. in life! And in the pages of this novel, he recounts and shares the events of his life and explains how he discovered the secret of life. Tony’s is the story of a life well lived and the chapters that follow will provide you with the opportunity to learn what he experienced.”

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1 formats starting at $85.00

Vol 1 explains “why we have dis-ease and how to stop it” Vol 2 starts in the year 2006 – 2014 and the miracle mineral Vol 3 continues in year 2015 – 2020 his continued journey to help us all It has been said that if someone writes a book and is killed or imprisoned, Read the book!!!  Since I've been released with my son as political prisoners after 4 years and 2 months held hostage, I've been doing interviews, and many are reading the books I wrote explaining why my 3 sons and I were attacked so viciously and unlawfully detained. We are now offering all three books, over 1,000 pages, for the price of $85.00. A savings of $20. The original price for the 3 books is $85.00 Plus a shipping cost of $20.00Total = $105.00 These books are large books with invaluable information.  Please pray. Two of my sons are still being held hostage and we are seeking a pardon from President Trump. The freedom of speech, religion, and the right to "choose" one’s own health decisions  are at stake! The sales of these books goes directly back into defending our case and making those responsible for our unlawful detainment be accountable!!

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My intent when chronicling this adventure is to inform readers, who may aspire to make the journey; either by perusal or planning. Preparations commenced four months prior to departure on Saturday, June 8, 2024 and required 80 hours to complete. Recreational vehicle campgrounds availability has become exceedingly more difficult since the COVID pandemic. When making phone calls in February, I discovered that many Canadian and Alaskan facilities are not operating at that time of year, and my attempts to contact continued through the month of May. At time of departure eight remain “in limbo”, and created an uneasiness for Nancy. Her primary concern is the potential to encounter a grizzly bear. I have assured her that our Class C motorhome will be a safe haven. Nevertheless, she markedly prefers a populated site to boondocking. (camping void of electric and water). Canadian border restrictions prevent the transport of firearms, thus I purchased a glock imitation CO2 revolver. It most certainly will not hamper a bear’s intention, however it could restrain an unwanted intruder. Previously three weeks had been the extend of our camping history, and ten weeks would no doubt present some challenges.

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