2 results in "Biographies"
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Healing for Those Who Have: If you have had an abortion and are struggling, please know that there is deliverance. God created us to live victoriously; not hang our heads in shame. He knows that we are going to make bad decisions; some that are quite horrific. Don't be afraid of Jesus or feel you are too bad or too dirty for Him to love you. Jesus would have forgiven Judas if he'd asked, but Judas didn't ask. Accept Jesus' forgiveness and He will show you how to forgive yourself.

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1 formats starting at $15.00

The biography of longtime musician Tony Belskis of Lakeland, FL, originally from Rumford, ME and the journey through his life and music. Vande Sompel shares the many stories that Tony has accumulated over the years and writes: “Tony Belskis discovered the secret of life early on in his life that began in small town Rumford, Maine. For 6 decades this relatively unknown musician earned himself a P.H.D. in life! And in the pages of this novel, he recounts and shares the events of his life and explains how he discovered the secret of life. Tony’s is the story of a life well lived and the chapters that follow will provide you with the opportunity to learn what he experienced.”

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