Journal of a young man faced with a terminal illness.

Does it look hopeless or impossible? You feel helpless, lost at the end, everything's against you, pressed beyond measure, feeling waves of pressure in your life? Is your faith failing, trust wavering, or you feel God has forgotten you? This book will give Hope and increase Faith to those who are struggling with impossible situations. There’s no doubt you will find Faith rising in your heart and soul as you walk along these written paths traveled by others, whose stories are shared in this LIFE-CHANGING book!

“If ever there was a woman qualified to write a book on ‘The Virtuous Woman,’ Joy Haney is the writer. To those who know her well and love her, and to those who have only just made her acquaintance, everyone agrees she is on of those women whose value soars beyond that of rubies. The book is divided into three main areas of focus. We are both compelled and challenged to Radiate, to Dedicate, and to Consecrate! After reading this book, you will find yourself seeking ways to Radiant light, love, grace and wisdom, to Dedicate yourself as never before to prayer and the Word and will Consecrate your life to worship and seek to be a great influence in your world.”~Vesta Mangun “Against the backdrop of the current tsunami of moral and cultural confusion, this just might be her best book. This is a revelatory message for these times. It is a must read!” ~Rev. Chester and Marion Mitchell

Inspirational Quotes & Meaningful Prayers

God’s Vision of What’s “Normal” for Me” is a book that shows us how to live in a very busy and visual world that is constantly demanding your attention, demanding your confidence, challenging your God given faith, to determine what is acceptable as “normal” for you. In thoughtful and insightful language with clear and plain examples and illustrations, the author Edward Pitts reveals the antidote for establishing God’s normalcy for us is assembling ourselves together. Or another way of saying this is to “building and maintaining Godly connections with other believers” pertaining to the kingdom of God. This conscience and concerted effort of assembling ourselves creates oneness and activates the power of Unity that results in what the bible indicates “One can chase a thousand and two can put ten thousand to flight”.

Have you ever looked forward to something, and it didn't turn out the way you thought or planned? As a result, you made permanent decisions based on temporary situations and circumstances. The pain, misery and disappointment of the past began to shape and define who you are. This is precisely my story.

I was physically abused at home. I was picked on and beaten up at school. I tried to kill myself every year of high school. I ran away as a teenager. I was homeless for two years. Somewhere in the middle of all this, I found a dream worth chasing. This is the story of my life in my own words.

An unforgettable memoir about a woman’s struggle to save her marriage of 28 years. She struggled with being a submissive wife at all costs, while honoring her vows. The more she fought to honor her vows, the tighter the noose. She was submissive in every way until she realized her submissiveness was silently killer her children, family and herself. She fought through marriage and ultimately through divorce. She had normalized behavior that she thought was normal behavior. Imagin intentionally planning to undermine your husband, father of your children, the love of your life to save and protect your children. It was the most difficult decision she ever could make. She lost who she was in the process. She couldn’t think about herself, her needs or wants – that became too painful to face. The only thing she could think of was her children’s mental and emotional state of mind. Through prayer and counseling, God revealed to her the perfect plan to pull her through. It had to be meticulous because he would fight her, and she knew this. The demise of the marriage and her way out had to be by his doing for her to be totally free.