“If ever there was a woman qualified to write a book on ‘The Virtuous Woman,’ Joy Haney is the writer. To those who know her well and love her, and to those who have only just made her acquaintance, everyone agrees she is on of those women whose value soars beyond that of rubies. The book is divided into three main areas of focus. We are both compelled and challenged to Radiate, to Dedicate, and to Consecrate! After reading this book, you will find yourself seeking ways to Radiant light, love, grace and wisdom, to Dedicate yourself as never before to prayer and the Word and will Consecrate your life to worship and seek to be a great influence in your world.”~Vesta Mangun “Against the backdrop of the current tsunami of moral and cultural confusion, this just might be her best book. This is a revelatory message for these times. It is a must read!” ~Rev. Chester and Marion Mitchell