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Imagine, A World Without Dis-Ease - 3 Book Special

Genre: Self Help

Vol 1 explains “why we have dis-ease and how to stop it” Vol 2 starts in the year 2006 – 2014 and the miracle mineral Vol 3 continues in year 2015 – 2020 his continued journey to help us all It has been said that if someone writes a book and is killed or imprisoned, Read the book!!!  Since I've been released with my son as political prisoners after 4 years and 2 months held hostage, I've been doing interviews, and many are reading the books I wrote explaining why my 3 sons and I were attacked so viciously and unlawfully detained. We are now offering all three books, over 1,000 pages, for the price of $85.00. A savings of $20. The original price for the 3 books is $85.00 Plus a shipping cost of $20.00Total = $105.00 These books are large books with invaluable information.  Please pray. Two of my sons are still being held hostage and we are seeking a pardon from President Trump. The freedom of speech, religion, and the right to "choose" one’s own health decisions  are at stake! The sales of these books goes directly back into defending our case and making those responsible for our unlawful detainment be accountable!!

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Mark Grenon

Vol 1,2,3
Mark Grenon
Interior Ink
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8.5" X 11.0"
Author's Corner
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Mark S. Grenon

Mark S. Grenon has been a missionary for over 40 years in three continents North America, South America and Africa establishing Bible Believing Churches and training others in the three Bible Institutes he founded. He was a missionary pilot in the Dominican Republic and Haiti for over 15 years with his family working with medical teams throughout these countries in the Caribbean. In 2006, after all his 8 children contracted MRSA, a vicious flesh-eating bacteria, Mark went on a quest to find a natural cure after trying all the latest and most expensive antibiotics known to man at that time to no avail. What Mark found not only healed himself and his children of MRSA but put him on a journey that changed his life, the life of his family and many in this world that have been trained to use the protocols he found. In 2010, He co-founded the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing and it has grown to almost 4,000 members in over 140 countries. He has taught over 60 G2Church seminars in over 20 countries with his sons Jonathan and Joseph. This Health Church is for all mankind with no one turned away. Although a Spiritual Church, it is NOT affiliated with any religion but based on the Bible verses, I Corinthians 3:16&17 KJV, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, Him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple he are.” “And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.”’ Luke 9:2 KJV The G2Church was established to help all mankind to cleanse their temples and maintain them clean by practicing “selfcare” using the G2Church Sacramental Protocols. These protocols are used to detox the body and rid it of any pathogens and by doing so “restoring health” to the body, our temple. By detoxing the body in this manner while stopping toxins from entering the body and feeding the body with REAL nutrition the body will change from a state of DIS-EASE to a state of EASE or homeostasis. In Volume One you will learn what dis-ease of the body is and how to practice “selfcare” with the G2 Church Sacramental Protocols! Follow this amazing story in Volumes Two and Three from when Mark first found this “miracle” mineral in 2006 to 2020! In 2016, The G2Church put out a documentary called: which was seen around the world and subtitled in 10 languages! In the same year Mark and his son started the G2Voice which grew to 225,000 downloads. Heavy persecution hit the Genesis II Church in 2020 that stopped the providing of the Sacramental Products from being sent out to those in need and these books! Now they are back in print so get them while you can and start “taking control of the health of your temple, your body”,

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