Healing for Those Who Have: If you have had an abortion and are struggling, please know that there is deliverance. God created us to live victoriously; not hang our heads in shame. He knows that we are going to make bad decisions; some that are quite horrific. Don't be afraid of Jesus or feel you are too bad or too dirty for Him to love you. Jesus would have forgiven Judas if he'd asked, but Judas didn't ask. Accept Jesus' forgiveness and He will show you how to forgive yourself.
Guidance for Those Who Haven't: If you are pregnant and feel you have no options, please take a few moments and read my story. You are facing the most critical decision of your life and a rushed decision could cause a lifetime of grief and suffering. You may be frightened, experiencing tremendous pressures, yet you have strengths. You alone will live with your decision. You have hopeful options. Please seek them out.