The journey of life is filled with many ups and down, as well as a myriad of surprises. As individuals, we move thru an everchanging world where we acquire skills and knowledge that is pertinent to our goals and needs. The life experience of each person is totally unique to them. No two individuals experience the same life activities as they struggle to push forward personally and professionally. As individuals we acquire knowledge thru all these experiences, and in the context of multiple settings, we apply what we learn from these settings to be successful in the future. With time that information is often referred to as wisdom.
This book explores one man’s journey thru life and his desire to share some of the accumulated wisdom with friends, family and interested readers. In a sense, it is his/her legacy. An opportunity to share a bounty of wisdoms from which others may find a gem of inspiration or knowledge. For most people as they age, there is the desire to leave something for the people who follow. This passage of wisdom from the old to the young has been an important part to the continuance of the various cultures on earth. This wisdom is most often shared through story telling. This book is one man’s “story telling” saga about the chapters of his life before he walks off “into the sunset.”
Dr. David Pizarro brings almost 70 years of professional and personal experience to the forefront in this, his most recent writing. With a background in education, language arts and psychology, he elaborates, in a fun anecdotal way, some of the wisdoms he acquired in his travels.