The A & A Printing Self Publishing Guide
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14) How much should I sell my book for?
Every book sells for a different price, but most don’t sell for less than 9.99. From there they are usually 12.95, 14.95, or 19.95. Specialty books, real estate manuals, course material, etc usually can be more, but these are pretty much the standard listed book prices. The main thing to remember as an author is that you need to try to make a profit on your book as well. Setting a selling price of 4.95 may be great for the buyer, but it doesn’t leave much room for profit after printing, editing, cover design, etc… It also depends on where you are selling the books and your potential book buyers. If you are selling them online, the book needs to have a specific fixed price. If you are a speaker or have an audience, you can pretty much just name your price as you go. Many times in self publishing the book itself is just a business card to further potential business.